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The Sideline Whisperer
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Harold Hickey
Born in United States. Harold is a grade 9 referee. He lives in Miami, Miami-Dade County.
You may contact him at 305-661-8000 or h_hickey@bellsouth.net.
Sir, may I ask you a question?
Updated on 12/7/2012 9:34:46 AM

Tell us a little about yourself: age, place of birth, current occupation.

—54 years, born in USA, Attorney

What is you background as a rugby player?

—First started playing in 1977. Played with Boca Raton Rugby until approximately 1981. Played with Miami Rugby Club ever since. Help "restart" the Olde Smugglers in 1985 for a year or two. I was the Treasurer for FRU for two years, 1984 and 1985 I believe. Represented Florida Select XVs as well as ERU through out the years. I have toured England, Wales, France, Bahamas.

Why did you decide to become a referee?

—I have referred second side games since the 1980s. Just wanted to be involved with the sport I love most.

Did you have some kind of mentor?


Do you remember your first game as a referee? How did it go? Any funny or special memory?

—Nothing memorable at the moment

What was the most memorable screw up?

— I do not screw up. :)

Which is the one game you most remember of your career?

How well do players and coaches in Florida know the laws of the game?

—Fair. I would say a 4 out of 1 to 10.

What is your opinion in general of the attitude of players towards the referees in Florida?

As a referee, have you made more friends or foes?

Does being able to watch a game on video help you improve your skills?

What are the most rewardings aspects of being a referee? And the least?

—The least rewarding is the lack of camaraderie. As a player, you have a couple of beers with your mates and the opposition and talk about the game. As a ref you stand there with your, well, your beer in your hand, persona non grata.

If you have had the opportunity to ref a match oversees, how was that experience?

What would you tell a player to encourage him becoming a referee?

—I am not sure that I would.

Any final thoughts or comments about being a rugby referee?


Code updated: 08/17/2017 19:04

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