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The Sideline Whisperer
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Ken Handley (11/1/2018)
Cisco Lopez (8/21/2017)
Richard Marroquin (12/1/2015)
Roy Monk (9/15/2015)
Keith Pereira (12/23/2014)
Richard Hessler (12/11/2014)
Lex Weiner (10/6/2014)
Ross Devonport (8/13/2013)
Gerry FitzGerald (8/11/2013)
Mark Ferguson (2/22/2013)
Jason Nimark (12/18/2012)
Harold Hickey (12/7/2012)
Yusef Johnson (12/3/2012)
Chris Roehm (9/8/2012)
John Fiore (9/6/2012)
Craig Kartiganer (9/5/2012)
David Metcalfe (9/3/2012)
David Hedges (9/3/2012)
Michael Kennedy (9/2/2012)
Jeremy Brown (9/2/2012)
Brian Richardson (8/30/2012)
Rocco Kryns (8/29/2012)
Mark Hawkins (8/27/2012)
Haylee Slaughter (8/27/2012)
Richard Marroquin
Born in United States. Richard is a grade 9 referee. He lives in Melbourne, Brevard County.
You may contact him at 321-507-6878 or richardmarroquin51@yahoo.com.
Sir, may I ask you a question?
Updated on 12/1/2015 10:15:21 AM

Tell us a little about yourself: age, place of birth, current occupation.

—Born in 1987; Houston, TX; Security Officer

What is you background as a rugby player?

—I started playing rugby in Nov 2014 after being talked into it...apparently props are hard to find.

Why did you decide to become a referee?

—I currently officiate basketball and baseball. So naturally once I started playing rugby I wanted to learn the rules so that I could be come a better player! Once I became certified I started officiating matches and fell in love with reffing the game!

Did you have some kind of mentor?

—Pancho Lopez, Cisco Lopez, Ross Davenport, and Roy Monk have all been instrumental in my development. Along with all the other great members of FRRA who have watched my matches and offered feed back!

Do you remember your first game as a referee? How did it go? Any funny or special memory?

—My first match was a youth match; I think it went well....lots of knock ons!

What was the most memorable screw up?

—Awarding 22 drop outs instead of scrums

Which is the one game you most remember of your career?

—Still out for debate

How well do players and coaches in Florida know the laws of the game?

—Like in most sports players and coaches should never stop learning the rules! The more I learned about the rules the better I got at rugby!

What is your opinion in general of the attitude of players towards the referees in Florida?

—Most players are very respectable! Every now and again a few get rowdy.

As a referee, have you made more friends or foes?

—Mostly friends

Does being able to watch a game on video help you improve your skills?

—Yes, I have watched and had others watch my videos and it has helped me improve every time!

What are the most rewardings aspects of being a referee? And the least?

—Knowing that everyone is out on the pitch giving it their all until the very end...even the ref!

If you have had the opportunity to ref a match oversees, how was that experience?

—Maybe one day!

What would you tell a player to encourage him becoming a referee?

—If you want to get better at the game what better way than to learn the rules!

Any final thoughts or comments about being a rugby referee?

—If has definitely been a great experience so far and I can not wait to see what the future holds!


Code updated: 08/17/2017 19:04

Games History
Current season (3)
FRU Men D4
Indian River / Claymores (12) vs.
Orlando Griffins RFC (D4) (7)
FRU Men D4
Daytona Beach Coconuts (28) vs.
Lakeland Lancers RFC (12)
Friendlies 2021-22
Indian River / Claymores (3) vs.
U of Central Florida (UCF) (63)
Tournament Games (0)

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