Field: Ben Franklin Park
13400 NW 12th Avenue, North Miami - Miami-Dade, FL 33168 • Map (*)
Directions: 13400 NW 12th Avenue North Miami, FL 33161
View Weather Now Note: The information provided here is not official and is done to the best of our knowledge. May change at any time.
(*) Map links are automatically generated with the address provided by the club for the field. May not be accurate. Date, time and location subject to change. Not official information.
Practice: Practices will now be held at Adolf Wurn Park 7-9pm
2129 Dean Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32216
United States
Home games are at Bob Hayes Soccer Complex
5054 Soutel Dr
Jacksonville, FL 32208
United States
Games are held at Baymeadows Park
8000 Baymeadows Rd E, Jacksonville, FL 32256
Contact: Stacey Nemeth - President - - 321-474-1615